Sell Other People's Products / Services
Starting an online business is full of potential and possibilities. Nothing can stop you orhold you back other than yourself. The cost of entry is low, the ability to create is high,
and the potential to make a lot of money is there. It's not a pipe dream, and it can
happen to you. You're much more likely to be able to start and run a successful online
profitable business if you get started now, than you are to become super successful if
you keep doing what you're doing now; working for someone else.
There are a variety of ways you can make money online. There are essentially three
different profit models for an online business.
1. Create/Promote Your Own Products
2. Create/Promote a Service Business
3. Sell Other People's Products and/or Services
In many cases the most successful endeavor will be a combination of these
approaches. Let's go over each of these three different online profit models in depth.
But first, Tee Cash Kit should discuss the things all these profit models have in common. (They
really have a lot more in common than you might think.)
No matter what form your online business takes you'll need to get traffic to your site,
build relationships, and promote your products or services. It doesn't matter if you
created them or if someone else did. The end result is the same, and the process to the
end result (the customer buying) is essentially the same. Every business model needs
a blog, social media interaction, a mobile friendly and frequently updated website, and
promotional efforts.
When most people start a business online they either start with affiliate marketing or
they start with creating a service business, and eventually they move toward creating
and promoting their own products in addition to what they were doing to start with. It's a
natural progression, so you don't really have to pick one over the other, but everything
you do needs to be laser-focused on your audience.
If you aren't sure who your audience is, take a moment now to decide who you want to
focus on. Who is your audience? You cannot choose which products or services to
promote if you don't know who your audience is. You certainly cannot decide what
products or services to create on your own if you don't know who your audience is. So
start there then move on to choosing one or a combination of the different online
business models.
One of the most common ways people jump into the online business world is by
deciding to sell someone else's products and or services. Even started
that way. They decided to sell, in a different way, other people's books online, and
provide product fulfillment via the U.S. mail. It was a big success, and now they are
doing much more including advertising and creating their own products like The
Affiliate Marketing -- Let's take a moment to talk about what exactly affiliate marketing
is. It's just sales. For years, people have been selling other people's products for a
commission, and that's what affiliate marketing boils down to. You put a link to their
product on your website, you might email your email list about the product, you may
blog about it, and more. But essentially you are promoting someone else's product so
that you can earn a percentage of sales or a flat commission