leather satchel for men a quality product
The bag design looks great and very professional. Though I got a product that was slightly damaged with the Leather Satchel for men and some discoloring so I sent it back. Then I received a second bag which was a darker brown than the original but the leather was a bit softer as well, but looked like it was used. So I returned that one and got a 3rd back replaced but this bag came with white stain marks all on the back and was a different brown as well! I ended up just keeping one of them and sending the other back cause I do like the bag but the color does vary from a more bugundy brown to a dark chocolate brown. The burgundy brown seem to have a harder leather while the dark chocolate has a softer leather. Seems usually the bag has some small damage to them, at least the three that I received. Make sure you check that the strap is the same color as the leather bag! I received one bag that had a darker strap than the actual bag!
leather satchel for men
Besides those mishaps, the overall bag is beautiful and nice to use. Fits my 15inch Macbook retina includeing a case for the laptop along with perhaps 1 small textbook and a note book along with the charger. Has "enough" room for essentials if you have a 15 inch laptop. The backside has a nice magnetic pouch to put a document or a newspaper in as well. Overall good bag but we shall see how long it lasts so I'll keep this updated!
more review from customer
I use this bag for school and work. It has plenty of room and is well organized with the two front pockets having pen slots and a cellphone pocket. The main pocket is plenty spacious. The quality of leather is excellent and for the price you won't find a better messenger bag. The only thing I would change is to structure the bag a bit more so that it would hold it's shape. This is very minor because I usually have it packed full and the clipboards and textbooks help it to hold it's shape. All in all it a great buy especially for the price!!